Modern Dance Classes Introduced.
Following several requests for more classes for our Pre-Primary / Primary pupils, we have now introduced Modern Dance classes which...
Ballet Distinction for Ossie!
StartFragment Congratulations to our Grade 4 pupil Ossie Crick who recently attended the Royal Academy of Dance HQ in Battersea with the...
Junior/Middle and Senior Singing Classes Start at LBBS!
StartFragmentLBBS are now running singing classes from aged 7+ as part of the Saturday timetable. We are really pleased to see so many of...
Guest Teacher Classes!
StartFragment A big thank you to our guest teachers last month who took various classes for our pupils : Christopher Spraggs -...
More Classes, More Grades, More Studios and More Teachers - LBBS just getting started!
StartFragmentAfter half term, LBBS sees the introduction of additional Ballet classes for the various levels, new graded classes, Modern...
Another Successful Theatre Trip - Matilda!
Late December 2014 pupils at LBBS enjoyed a trip to see Matilda the Musical at the Cambridge Theatre, Covent Garden. The show was...
Another Successful Billy Workshop!
A big thank you to Billy Elliot cast member Ed Shaw for running another successful Billy workshop last weekend. The event was enjoyed by...
A Visitor from the Daily Telegraph.
Following the visit from reporter Christopher Middleton, we are excited to be told that we will be featured within the Daily Telegraph...
News Reporter takes part in LBBS Ballet class!
Well done to reporter Rory for coming down to our school last Saturday and taking part in a Ballet class! The boys in the class said you...
Even more classes!
We are pleased to announce the introduction of more classes at LBBS London branch. A second Ballet class is now available for our Grade...