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Dear Parent/Guardian/Student,

The last few months has certainly been a very challenging time for so many. As you will appreciate, it has been very difficult for us to operate our school as we would normally do.

The vibrant and social Saturday foyer, the school open days, West End Theatre Trips, Senior Ballet School Visits and of course the biannual Theatre showcase have all been well missed!

We have tried very hard to keep our classes ongoing either onsite or online and will continue to do so into 2021. Keeping our teachers in work and our students with regular training is very important to us.

We may be delayed again in 2021, but rest assured we intend to get back to creating our unique ‘LBBS experience’ once again, I for one and very much looking forward to this!

Let’s all hope it will not be too long

Wishing you all a peaceful holiday season, and all best wishes for the New Year.

I look forward to seeing you all in January, (online or Onsite )

Best Wishes and stay safe, James Cunliffe DIRECTOR


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